*Significant changes are highlighted
’14/’15 Corn
o Mostly unchanged and near expectations
’15/’16 Corn
o Yield was increased 2.0 bushels per acre to 168.8 versus an average 164 private estimate
o Usage for ethanol and feed were increased 25 million bushels each.
o Ending stocks were projected at 1.713 billion bushels or 45.4 days of use and well above private estimates.
’14/’15 Soybeans
o Crush was revised higher by an additional 15 million bushels leaving ending stocks at 240 million near private estimates.
’15/’16 Soybeans
o Yield was increased 0.9 bushels per acre to 46.9 versus an average 44.7 private estimate
o Total production was nearly 200 million bushels above the average private estimate.
o Ending stocks of 470 million bushels were substantially higher than the 300 million of private estimates.
Other Markets
o Brazil corn production for the next crop cycle was estimated lower as planted area moves towards soybeans.
o Foreign corn production is reduced 5.5 million tons on lower output in China and the EU.
o 2016 domestic milk production estimates are lowered as lower exports increase inventories and reduce domestic prices
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August ’15 USDA World Agriculture Supply and Demand Estimates